domingo, agosto 12, 2007

O nó górdio

"On the issue of nuclear weapons control, the U.S. assessment is that currently, the United States has full knowledge of where Pakistan's nuclear weapons are located.
But the key questions, officials say, are what would happen and who would control the weapons in the hours after any change in government in case Musharraf were killed or overthrown.
Musharraf controls the loyalty of the commanders and senior officials in charge of the nuclear program, but those loyalties could shift at any point, officials say.
The United States is not certain who might start controlling nuclear launch codes and weapons if that shift in power were to happen.
According to the U.S. analysis, there is also a growing understanding that Musharraf's control over the military remains limited to certain top commanders and units, raising worries about whether he can maintain control over the long term." in CNN
