sábado, abril 21, 2007

Neil Young 1969

Este disco, o 1º a solo de Neil Young, algumas virtudes tem, e uma delas é a colaboração de um tal Ryland Cooder, futuro Ry...
O disco é heterogéneo e desigual, assim dizem as crónicas e com razão, mas praticamente tudo se aproveita vindo de quem vem. Neil Young ainda algo indeciso por onde ir, mas as pistas estão aqui quase todas.
Para mim, mais interessante ainda que a referência "Loner" é a canção "The Old Laughing Lady", com coros femininos afunkalhados.
Se este disco tivesse saído em 2006, onde estaria no "best of" final dos senhores que sabem de música?
Deixo-vos com a letra de "Te Last Trip to Tulsa", todo um statement daqueles tempos... especiais, pós-67 -

I used to drive a cab,you know
I heard a siren scream
Pulled over to the corner
And I fell into a dream
There were
Two men eating pennies
And three young girls who cried
The West coast is falling,
I see rocks in the sky.
The preacher took his bible
And laid it on the stool.
He said: with
The congregation running,
Why should I play the fool?

Well, I used to be a woman,
You know
I took you for a ride,
I let you fly my airplane
It looked good for your pride.
'Cause you're
The kind of man you know
Who likes what he says.
I wonder what's it's like
To be so far over my head.
Well, the lady made the wedding
And she brought along the ring.
She got down on her knees
And said: Let's
Get on with this thing.

Well, I used to be a folk singer
Keeping managers alive,
When you saw me on a corner
And told me I was jive.
So I unlocked your mind, you know
To see what I could see.
If you guarantee the postage,
I'll mail you back the key.

I woke up in the morning
With an arrow through my nose
There was an Indian in the corner
Tryin' on my clothes.Well, I used to be asleep
You know
With blankets on my bed.
I stayed there for a while
'Til they discovered I was dead.
The coroner was friendly
And I liked him quite a lot.
If I hadn't 've been a woman
I guess I'd never have been caught.
They gave me back my house and car
And nothing more was said.

I was driving
Down the freeway
When my car ran out of gas.
Pulled over to the station
But I was afraid to ask.
The servicemen were yellow
And the gasoline was green.
Although I knew I couldn't
I thought that I was gonna scream.
That was on my last trip to Tulsa
Just before the snow.
If you ever need a ride there,
Be sure to let me know.
I was chopping down a palm tree
When a friend dropped by to ask
If I would feel less lonely
If he helped me swing the axe.
I said: No, it's
Not a case of being lonely
We have here,
I've been working on this palm tree
For eighty seven years
I said: No, it's
Not a case of being lonely
We have here,
I've been working on this palm tree
For eighty seven years
He said: Go get lost!
And walked towards his Cadillac.
I chopped down the palm tree
And it landed on his back."



Blogger Sr Blas said...

Como veo que estás muy enganchado a Neil Young ultimamente (yo también estoy volviendo a los clásicos, ya estoy un poco cansado de "lo nuevo") me voy a permitir aconsejarte los que para mi son los mejores discos del abuelete del rock:
-"After The Gold Rush" 1970
-"Harvest" 1972
-"Tonight´s the nihgt" 1975

Estos tres discos serían de los que salvaría en caso de incendio en mi casa (los tengo en reluciente vinilo) aún a riesgo de perder la vida.

4:15 da tarde  
Blogger William said...

O primeiro tenho-o, o 2º já o tive, o 3º hei-de tê-lo...

8:17 da tarde  

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