As entrevistas da Paris Review
Eu sei que o Carlos Vaz Marques está a fazer um óptimo trabalho ao editar as melhores entrevistas da Paris Review em português, na Tinta-da-China, mas que tal o original, em pdf... e grátis? Acabei de sacar o pdf de Lawrence Durrell (1959):
Durrell: "(...) I think it is not understood to what a limited extent artists have any experience at all, you know. People imagine them to have absolutely boundless experience. In fact I think they are as nearsighted as moles, and if you limit your field to your own proper capabilities it is astonishing how little you know about life. It sounds a paradox, but I think it's true. I think the magnification of gifts magnifies the defects as well. One of the things I have strongly is the defect of vision. For example I can't remember any of the wild flowers that I write about so ecstatically in the Greek islands, I have to look them up. And Dylan Thomas once told me that poets only know two kinds of birds at sight: one is a robin and the other a seagull, he said, and the rest of them he had to look up, too. (...)"
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